Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Social Media and the Election

This year's election was like no other for various of different reasons.  However, one thing in particular changed this election.  This one thing being social media.  Social media took the election and made it into an entire different thing than it was.  It was a modern election.  Let's start by looking at facebook.  One could hardly scroll through their feed without seeing either a sponsored post about the election, or a friend/family member weighing in on their view towards a candidate.  This started some feuds among people.  Someone who you thought was your friend, you could no longer stand due to their views and constant need to share them.  Many people commenting things such as, "Unfriend me now" or "If you support *insert candiates name* we can no longer be friends."  It is safe to say social media created this new tension between the people.  Now moving onto twitter.  People constantly sharing articles about their favored candidate and then getting backlash and having a friend "subtweet them".  This leads to tweets such as "@ me next time!!"  Not to mention, twitter was a way for the presidential candidates to speak to the people directly.  However, this was not always in Donald Trump's favor.  Being the loose cannon he is, he was known to tweet things out spur of the moment.  Lastly, there is some false advertising with social media.  While scrolling through your feed on whatever is your social media app of choice, often times you come upon articles that appear to be legit.  However, there are many articles out there that are full inaccurate statements.  This leads people to believe the wrongs ideas.  In conclusion, elections as we knew it will forever be changed due to the use of social media.

Josie Clark

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